Want to start your journey?

I really appreciate your interest in The Challenge Year. As you think about embarking on this journey, I will provide some more detail and a bit of guidance below. Maybe you are not ready for an entire year of challenges, this is quite alright. You can start small with a single month or even a week. The guidance and detail I provide below can be applied to any version. The bottom line is that The Challenge Year can be whatever you want to make it.

The Challenge Year is about helping you find peace of mind while driving towards your goals. Over the past year, I discovered that each monthly challenge had tangible benefits. In addition to that, doing something intentional every single day has had its own rewards. I am not going to get into these details here but look through my challenge posts to learn more about what I discovered during each challenge.


If you want to do this, then the best time to start is any time. With that said, the beginning of a month is ideal. Before you start, put some thought into what your first challenge might be. If you want to do a full version of The Challenge Year, don't worry about choosing everything you will do right away. I did not know initially what challenge I would take on each month. I am thankful I kept it fluid; as the year went on, I got new ideas about things I wanted to try.


As you think about what your first challenge might be, or any challenge when you stick with this, please find some guidance below:


  • Pick what is right for you. If you would like, go ahead, and try a few of the challenges I completed.

  • Try to avoid picking a challenge that could be overly time-consuming; if a challenge can fit naturally into your life, that is best. For example, I chose the challenge of no TV in July because I knew how busy I would be and I knew the weather would be nice for alternatives.

  • You can do something you might enjoy. This isn't just about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone; this is also about doing more of what you enjoy. For example, I love reading and writing but never took the time to do either consistently.


Don't worry about missing a day or cheating as your challenge goes on. If this happens, take a deep breath, shrug it off and face the next day. The benefits of The Challenge Year do not rely on perfectionism. Instead, they are a product of challenging your weaknesses.


If you are willing, at the top of this page, you will find a pledge button. This button will bring you to a form to start your journey with The Challenge Year. In the form, I would love to hear about why you want to do this, what you want to accomplish and what some of your challenges might be. Or don't do any of that and just go for it, all you!


If you would like more guidance than this or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me on my “About Me” page. I’ll do my best to get back to you.


If you join me in The Challenge Year, I hope you will find the same peace of mind and comfort I have been able to find.