My 2023 Challenge Year Pledge.

In 2022 I embarked on and created, The Challenge Year. There was no end goal in mind when I started this journey, but now it is clear that there was something much bigger going on that I never could have imagined.

Now that I completed this 2022 journey, and after sharing the story, the purpose of The Challenge Year is clear to me. That is, to inspire, spark ideas, and empower gratitude. Overall, to help encourage others to be the best version of themselves. Independently that is what The Challenge Year is all about.

However, the world had another purpose in mind for me personally with The Challenge Year. I had no idea, but I was preparing myself for what will likely be the most challenging year of my life in 2023.

In the middle of December, I had an x-ray taken of my chest. Less than two hours after my x-ray, I received a call to inform me the x-ray showed a large mass in my chest. A couple of days later, I had a PET scan. The PET scan revealed a tumor taking about 40% of my chest, wrapping around the main arteries going to my heart. From there, I was hospitalized. Given the size, location, and how quickly the tumor was growing, doctors wanted to start treatment as soon as possible.

I was diagnosed with stage 2 Unfavorable Classical Hodgkin's Lymphoma five days later. I then started treatment the next day. Thankfully doctors told me this has a 95% cure rate and assured me I would kick it. At the same time, doctors said that if I had waited even as little as a few weeks, the outcome could have been very different. For my treatment, I will receive chemotherapy every two weeks over six months.

In more wonderful news for 2023, my wife and I are expecting our first child in April. A baby girl that I can't wait to meet.

So, in the first half of this year, I will be giving everything I have to battle and get rid of this cancer, which is actively trying to take my life. Then in the middle of treatment, I will also give everything I have to my daughter's new, beautiful life.

The Challenge Year was much bigger than anything I could have imagined. Through completing it last year, I now have personal inspiration that I can look back on as I embark on these new challenges. I have the knowledge, experience, and takeaways to draw on from each month for my own support.

In 2022 I never committed to a 2023 challenge year. Before cancer can force it upon me anymore, I'm committing myself to the 2023 Challenge Year. My challenges are going to be different in nature than in 2022, with my two overarching challenges for this year being:

• Beat cancer

• Give all my love to my baby girl

My first challenge here in January is getting through my first chemo cycle. And just as I started 2022, I am still determining what other months will be regarding challenges. But nonetheless, I am going to share my journey along the way. I will share this journey to fulfill what The Challenge Year ended up being. A way to inspire, spark ideas, and empower gratitude. Overall, to help encourage others to be the best version of themselves.

As I go through this year, understanding the importance of sharing my story, I will listen to my own tagline for December; I will speak loudly. I will speak loudly, hoping that others can benefit from hearing my story of what I have gone through and am going through.

And so, I encourage you to follow along. Go follow @thechallengeyear. When you see a post, read it to see what it is all about. If you believe in it, share it to help reach others. If this is the first post you read, go and check out "The Overview" and other challenges. And if you truly want to immerse yourself in starting your own Challenge Year journey, you can learn more on the "Get Started" page. If you start your journey, I encourage you to share your story. I will be adding a section to this site titled "Challenge Stories." If you share your story about your Challenge Year and give me permission, I will post it so others can read it.


All the best,

-Scott Moss